Skrondolny's Guide to Hello Neighbor

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Hello! In this guide, I am going to show you how to complete the first Hello Neighbor game step by step.

Act 1


After the cutscene in which you see Nicky Roth (the child) chasing his ball keep running forward until you are between the Mr. Peterson's house (blue house with a crashed car) and Nicky Roth's house (turquoise house). You are going to see a cutscene in which you hear screaming, and then Mr. Peterson locks up a door in his house, then cathes you. You will see, thath the key he used for the red lock is on the second floor of his house. After the cutscene, you will spawn in front of your house, just like when Mr. Peterson catches you. Go inside of your house, and then grab 3 or 4 closed boxes from the room under the stairs. Climb up on the shelf that is on the left from Mr. Peterson's porch. Place two boxes on top of it, jump onto them, and then on the roof. Jump on the part of the roof that is over the porch, then on the one that is on the left from white pices of wood. Throw a box onto one of the two windows to break it, so you could jump inside. On your left, you will see a large painting of a flower. Take it off the wall, to reveal a hole. Jump through it, turn around, take the key to Mr. Peterson's car and use the yellow key on the yellow lock. Go to Mr. Peterson's car and open the trunk. Take the elctromagnet. Go to the back of the house, take 4 boxes and build a staircase from then nect to the opened small window. Using the electromagnet get the lockpick. Go inside of the house, run to the end of the hallway and enter the room on your right using the lockpick. Grab the wrench and open the ladder in the backyard. Climb up the ladder, then jump through the hole in the roof. Take the red key, go to the living room, and open the basement.


Go down the stairs, open the washing machine and go inside of it. Inside of the room, jump through a window (you may need to take the false window out of it). Open the bars on the right, go left, then run to the end of the hallway, turn left and open the first door on your left. Grab the chair and open the door on the other end of the room, and go through it. Open all the doors in the room, then go back to where you came from, and go forward. Open the bars at the end of the hallway. Grab a chair blocking the door, and then go all the way back to the room you've started at. Open the breaker box and turn it off. Now it's time for the harder part of this act, as the neighbor will be patroling the basement. Go through the only door in the room, and turn left. Go forward and open the door on your right, grab the flashlight that is in the middle of the room. Go back to where you came from, and go through the door next to the red lightbulb. Go through the room, then in the end of the hallway go through the door on your left and go forward. Grab a brick and throw against the brick part of the wall. Go through the door that were previously locked and turn the generator on. Go through the brick wall, go forwards and pull the lever next to the barred door. Inside of the room, the neighbor will start chasing you. There's no escape, so just run forwards, and let him catch you at the end of the hallway.

Act 2


The act starts by waking up a few months later in the basement. Go to the door, and look through the lock by holding "E". You are going to hear some noises, and you will see a cardboard cutout open the door. Leave the room, open the vent and go through it. Climb up the ladder and leave the basement.


In this part, it's useful to remember that if a valve is parallel to the pipe, then water flows through it, if it's perpendicular to the pipe, then the water flow is blocked.

Main gate exit

Go inside of the house, and turn the valve in the living room. It's the first one of the 3 valves. Go to the top-left corner of the backyard, grab all the boxes and the crate that lie there, go to the nearby pipe, place the boxes and the crate, climb on top of them, and turn the valve. Now, it's 2 out of 3. Go to the right side of the house, and turn the valve that's behind the fence. It's the last one. Now you can see that water is leaking form a pipe in the fence, because a valve fell off of it. Take the valve, and break a window to get to the storage room, turn the valve on the pipe on the one the boiler. take back the valve, and go to the kitchen and grab the wrench from the top part of the fridge. Go to the backyard, open the ladder and climb on top of it. Walk on the pipes, place the valve, turn it, then take it back. Climb up the ladder near the front exit and turn the valve. Grab 2 boxes, climb up the backyard ladder, climb on the ladder's fence using the boxes, place the valve, and turn it. Wait until the water stops flowing, then take it back. Get to the top of the new part of the house ( the one you gained acces by unlocking the backyard ladder). Take the shovel and go through the door placed in the part in which the sharkotron was previously swimming. Climb down the ladder, unblock the door, go through them, and unlock the door on the first floor. Go to the backyard and dig in the spot without grass, then take the key out of the coffin. Go to the room with the dollhouse, unlock the said dollhouse and open the door inside. Enter the newly unblocked room, and turn the valve. Now climb up the ladder, and turn the valve. You will be able to walk on the ice, so you will be able to get through the door. Go through them, then through the next door, and take the red key. Now go down, open the main gate and exit through it.

Hole in the fence exit

Go to the kitchen, and grab the wrench form the part top of the fridge and open the backyard ladder. Go inside of the house, and turn the valve in the living room. It's the first one of the 3 valves. Go to the top-left corner of the backyard, grab all the boxes and the crate that lie there, go to the nearby pipe, place the boxes and the crate, climb on top of them, and turn the valve. Now, it's 2 out of 3. Go to the right side of the house, and turn the valve that's behind the fence. It's the last one. Now you can see that water is leaking form a pipe in the fence, because a valve fell off of it. Take the valve. Take 2 boxes, climb on top of the backyard ladder, place 2 boxes near its fence, climb onto them, and turn the valve. Wait until the water stops flowing and take the valve. Go to the top of the new part of the house, get to the top, take the shovel and go through the door on the left. Unlock the door with the yellow lock. Climb down the ladder, unblock the door, then get to the first floor and unblock the door using the blue key. Go to the backyard and dig in the place in which there is no grass, and take the dollhouse key from the coffin. Go to the dollhouse room, and unblock the said dollhouse. Inside of it, open the door. Then go to the bathroom. There is a LEGO man sitting on the toilet. Take him, then place him on the toilet inside of the dollhouse. Go back to the bathroom. Now there is a bigger LEGO man on the toilet. Take the crowbar from him, and remove the nails from the boards on the fence. Now you can escape.

Trampoline exit

Go to the kitchen, and grab the wrench form the part top of the fridge and open the backyard ladder. Go inside of the house, and turn the valve in the living room. It's the first one of the 3 valves. Go to the top-left corner of the backyard, grab all the boxes and the crate that lie there, go to the nearby pipe, place the boxes and the crate, climb on top of them, and turn the valve. Now, it's 2 out of 3. Go to the right side of the house, and turn the valve that's behind the fence. It's the last one. Now you can see that water is leaking form a pipe in the fence, because a valve fell off of it. Take the valve. Take 2 boxes, climb on top of the backyard ladder, place 2 boxes near its fence, climb onto them, and turn the valve. Wait until the water stops flowing and take the valve. Go to the top of the new part of the house, get to the top, take the shovel and go through the door on the left. Unlock the door with the yellow lock. Climb down the ladder, unblock the door, then get to the first floor and unblock the door using the blue key. Now, climb the backyard ladder, jump onto the pipes, and turn the valve. Then climb the front ladder and turn the valve. Break a window so you can get to the storage room. Inside of it, turn the valve on the pipe and the one on the boiler. Go to the machine next to the blue lock door, turn the valve next to it, then pull the handle on the machine. Now the trampoline is opened. Now climb the front ladder and jump on the tramploine, Now you will be able to jump out the fence.

Act 3

Moving in (and moving out)

This act starts in your apartment in a big city that probably is St. Louis. At the beginnig, you have to wait four your eviction notice to arrive. When you hear knocking on your door, just go close to them, and the eviciton notice will arrive. Pick it up to start a cutscene. After the cutscene, take the key from your trunk, and go inside your house, then go closer to the phone to start another cutscene.

The nightmare


Using the red key glitch

Go to the neighbor's backyard. Here, you will find the elevator's shaft made out of bricks. Make a staircase out of 4 boxes under the opened window and pull the lever to unlock the shaft. Enter the shaft and exit on the first stop. From here, go downstairs and jump out through the door on the railway tracks. From the tracks jump onto the nearby balcony, from there jump through the hole in the floor. Now you are in room with the train's control panel. Pull the lever on the left side of the panel, then click the big red button. Jump out the floor and enter the house. Keep running forward, then go up the stairs. Jump up the table, then onto the wall lamp and then jump to the other side of the bars. Grab a box and throw it onto the tound painting of a golden apple. Now go back to the first part of the room and go to the highest floor of the new staircase. Go through the only opened door and keep going forawd until you're in a room with bars. When here, grab shoe, and glith it so that it would hit the lever inside the small box on the wall. This may take a few tries but it will be way faster than doing it the way Dynamic Pixels intended it. If you want to do it the way creators intendet it, it will be described in the "Glitchless" part. After turning the lever, go to the previous room and take the red key. Now go back to the shaft and exit on the first stop. Grab a few boxes (2 should be enough) an wait until the train arrives. Get inside of the train and go to the control room and go a little bit back, so that you can climb on the nearby pipe using boxes. From the pipe, jump onto the train's roof, and from there jump onto the roof. Now go up the steep part and jump onto the hanging part. Unlock the room inside and go inside. Now you're in Fear Darkness. After completing this minigame you will receive the double jump ability. Go up the broken shelf, then jump onto the radio shelf then onto the shelf with books. Climb up the orange juice and jump onto the next shelf. Grab one of the cups and throw them into the vase. It's better to be careful doing this part as the pieces of the vase have wonky physics (it's Hello Neighbor, what were you expecting?). Climb up the now fallen shelf and jump onto the shelf with binoculars. Go up the planks and jump into the lower part of the toster. After ending your flight, jump next to books under the Bijuum cans. Go through a hole in the wall, then jump onto the clock. Go forwards from there. Be careful, as the yellow shelves wil fall if you stay on the for too long. Pull the lever, then jump in the toster. Go up the food, then jump onto the shelf behind you. Grab some darts, 2 are enough, but it's better to take 4. Push one of the paper planes and jump onto it. Jump onto the shelf in front of you before the plane crashes. Go up, then climb on the phone, then jump on the nearby shelf. Make yourself some stairs by throwing the darts. Go up, then when you're next to the green arrow, jump to the lightbulb, and when the game tells you too, press Spacebar for the second time. Get out of the room and jump down. Go inside of the neighbor's house and grab 2 boxes, then let the neighbor catch you or kill yourself so that it would be night. During the night, enter the elevator shaft and exit on the first stop. Go down the stairs and jump through the door onto the tracks. From there, go right so that you can jump onto a balcony with a table and 2 chairs. Keep going forwards, until you reach the moon door. Enter the night room, take the green phonograph exit, and block the door with the boxes. Grab any item and go back to the shaft, leave on the first stop, go downstairs and jump onto the tracks. Throw the item you grabbed into the windowin front of you, then jump inside. Place the green phonograph close to the saplings and turn it on. When the trees stop growing, make sure all the levers are facing red. Jump out the window you came from onto the roof, then go up the plank. Break the window with any item and go inside. Go to the room behind the wardrobe and take the globe. Return to the previous room, go onto the elevator, grab some items and throw them onto the red lever, then go inside the room. Now you're in the Fear Supermarket. In this minigame if you hear clattering or see any mannequin turn red, crouch and don't move. Crouching will make you invisible and moving will remove that effect. Push the cart a little bit (but not too far) and go right. From here, take the bottle with pink liquid, orange juice, pink jar and a bag of chips. Then go left and grab a jar of pickles. Throw them into the shopping cart then push it until you reach the till. Wait for the cashier to check your products and just leave (don't worry about the cart, you can't move it). Go to the kitchen and put the globe inside the lower part of the fridge. Meanwhile, take a bucket or a watering can, fill it with water, then put it on the stove and wait until it gets hot. If it gets too hot, you won't be able tu pick it up and you'll have to wait until it gets slightly colder. After picking up the hot container, open the red part of the fridge and press LMB to pour hot water over the ice. If the water stops flowing, refill it. If the ice stops melting, put your container on the stove again. You will have to repeat it a few times. Pick up the keycard and use it on the keycard reader next to the basement door, also take the chair if you haven't done it yet. Go to the place where you've bugged the red key, and go to the next room. Unblock the locked door, and look right. There is a fuse box, open it, and grab the crowbar. You can't take the crowbar now, so we'll have to wait. Go to the fridge, and take the globe. Go to the secret staircase and go to the room on the first floor, and put the globe inside the stand. Now go to the elevator shaft, and go to the end. Do the parkour, and grab the red phonograph. Remember what we've done with the train to get to the red key room? We'll have to repeat it. When on the roof, go down the ladder and grab the red wrench. Go back to the roof, and jump onto the board underneath the ladder, and open the said ladder. Take any item, and go to the tomato bushes. Use the red phonograph on the bushes to make them smaller. Go to the other end of the roof, open the hatch throw your item inside. Go back to the train station and get to the room inside the hole in the wall, you may need some boxes to get there. Go to the next room and find the green key near the big machine. Go back to the ground floor near the elevator shaft, go behind the boxes and go inside the green key room. Now you're in fear school. In this minigame, you can move only during the lessons, mannequins wil hunt you during the break. Each lesson and break lasts a few seconds. You can hear them change as the school bell rings. During the break, hide in the cabinets. After entering the room, go to the first cabinet next to you, and wait for the bell to ring. Run as fast as you can to the next cabinets. You have to be careful, as the white mannquin will hunt you during the lssons. During the next lesson, go to the next cabinet and wait. Go to the next cabinet, and this is the last one we're going to use as this part is safe. Go to the door and fight the mannequin - just press spacebar few times. Now you've gained the ability to push neighbor back. Go grab the crowabar and enter the basement.




Go downstairs and enter the room behind the washing machine. Go out through the wall and go behind the bars like previously. Keep running forward until you see a wall made of household appliances. Crouch next to the fridge and wait for The Thing to pass, then turn right. Keep running forward, unblock the door and destroy the wall and go to the room with a big white lamp. Here, you have to jump over the fence using your double jump ability. Enter the door on your left, and push the neighbor back, then go to the end of the hallway. Enter the room and prepare for the bossfight.

Act Finale

Neighbor bossfight

Wait for the big neighbor to destroy the room, grab any item (I recommend the ball) and from it on the big switch on the wall (this may take a few tries). After flipping the switch, go behind the wall, climb up the shelf and jump into the toster. After being shot out, go to the higher platform, flip the switch and jump on the elevator. Grab any item, and jump trough the window. Flip the switch, and grab an umbrella. Go onto the metal platforms near the starting point, and turn on the train. Jump into the toster, ang fly to the broken red house. Grab a candle and fire the firework in front of the neighbor. Get into the toster, and fly to the shelf with baseball balls, and throw 2 of them into the machine. Go into the toster and fly to the house on the neighbor's back.

Neighbor's past

In this part, just turn right and enter the door on your left.

The Thing bossfight

In this part, you have to protect your younger-self from the Thing. First, approach Nicky and wait for him to go to the window. Follow Nicky up the stairs, then stand in front of him. After the attack, you will grow bigger. Run down the stairs, go to your right and go to the next room (the one that is not yet damaged) and wait for Nicky to arrive, then as usual, stand in front of him. Go through the hole in the wall, climb up the ladder, go to the part with windows, then protect Nicky like before. Go behind the stairs, and turn left then jump down. After the attack, go up and protect Nicky for the final time.

Neighbor's trauma

In this part of the finale, you can just go to the door, or you can go to the house and see the neighbor, which is not needed. Enter the door and... Congratulations! You've finished the game.

The end

Thank you for reading my guide. I hope it helped you beat the game.

If you want to contribute to the wiki, don't forget to read my guide on how to write articles.

Thank you again, and bye!