Fear Supermarket

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Fear Supermarket is one of the three Fear levels in Hello Neighbor. This one takes place in a nightmarish, dimly-lit grocery store, where you are being hunted by mannequins, likely representing other shoppers. When beaten, it unlocks the invisibility ability. It is required to complete Act 3 because you need it to get past The Thing in the basement, unless speedrunners are nimble enough and patient with their gameplay to do a special trick.

The entrance to Fear Supermarket is located behind a door in the crowbar room. To access it, you must get the blue key from the area of the birthday party room blocked off by random items, and use it on the door across from the large painting on the second floor. Then you must stand on the platform, and throw an item at the lever so it moves up. You could also open the big ladder and find a way down to the roof of the giant painting room, and break the window to the left of the door there. Then, it's the same process.


Like all other fear levels, everything is oversized and disproportionate. A winding rail track with a shopping cart on it runs through the level, to the checkout at the end. A large sign at the beginning shows the player how to avoid the mannequins. Looming shelves are scattered throughout the level, as well as towers of boxes on either side. At the end of the level is a checkout where a mannequin will scan your items to check if you have the correct ones and the correct amount. At the very end is an exit door that you can exit from after passing the checkout. The shadow man also can be seen watching the player from a rafter.


In Fear Supermarket, mannequins holding shopping carts will start in stations at the beginning of the level. They will move forward to the checkout, picking up specific items from the shelves along the way. You must collect the same items as the mannequin-shoppers do and put them in the shopping cart, and push your cart to the end of the store. However, the other shoppers will try and kill you and if they do it resets to the start. You can avoid them by crouching when they're near, if that doesn’t work run.

If you reach the checkout, a mannequin operating it will test if you have the correct amount of items, and the correct types. For every missing item, or incorrect item, one of the lights on his counter will turn red. If you have at least one red light, the mannequin-cashier will press a button, dropping you into the floor. However, if you have all green lights, the cashier will press a button opening the gate, allowing the player to pass through, walk through the exit door, ending the level and giving you the invisibility ability, which is a very important role in the game. You will need it to get past The Thing in the basement in Act 3. For speedrunners, though, it may not be important if they're nimble and patient enough with their gameplay. They can grab a banner from the basement room window to launch themselves onto the fence and go higher than the Thing so it cannot see them.

Players also cannot mess around for too long because there is a time limit until the mannequins collect all the items. They will hear an alarm sound, and the level will reset, bringing the player and the cart back to the start without the items.


