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The Basketball is a useless object in Hello Neighbor.


It looks like an orange basketball with dark brown stripes.


The basketball first appeared in Pre-Alpha. It existed throughout all subsequent versions.

In Alpha 4 it was added to Fear Factory.

In Beta 1 - 2, the developers found a use for the basketball. In the unused Fear Factory fear level, the basketball can be used to distract the mannequins.

In Beta 3, the basketball texture became cartoonish.

In the full game, if you manage to get a basketball into the basketball hoop, you will get an achievement.



One basketball can be found among the possessions of the protagonist and another in the living room.

Alpha 1

Nothing has changed since Pre-Alpha.

Alpha 2

A basketball can be found in the children room, on the second floor of Mr. Peterson's House.

Alpha 3 - Full Game

One basketball can be found in the bedroom and another in the attic.A wooden box containing basketballs are also found on the 5th floor of the storage room and on the top shelf in Fear Darkness.


  • In Hello Neighbor Act 3 and Act Finale,if you throw basketball into the net, you will get 'Space Jam' achievement.


Act 3