Skrondolny's Guide to Writing

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Hi! Welcome to Skrondolny's guide to writing articles! In this guide I will show you how to write articles, that will be useful, and easy to read.



To make your articles easy to read, avoid using the same word over and over again. Let's say you are writing a page about a purple key (yes, I know that there is no such a thing like purple key).

Instead of writing like this:

"Purple key is a useful item in Hello Neighbor.

The purple key is used to open a secret chest with a purple lock. You can find the key on the kitchen table. Without this key, you won't be able to progress. The key, is located in a place, that is often patrolled by Mr. Peterson."

search for synonyms, and write like this:

"Purple key is a useful item in Hello Neighbor.

The purple key is used to open a secret chest with a purple lock. You can find it on the kitchen table, which is an often patrol route for Mr. Peterson. Without it, you won't be able to progress."

Too short sentences

Don't write sentences, that are too short. They look bad, and make the text harder to read.

Don't write like this:

"The purple key is used to open a chest. The lock on the chest is the same colour as the key. You can find the key on the kitchen table. It is an often patrol route for Mr. Peterson."

Instead, create sentences like this:

"The purple key is used to open a secret chest with a purple lock. You can find it on the kitchen table, which is an often patrol route for Mr. Peterson. Without it, you won't be able to progress."

Too long sentences

Despite the fact that sentences can't be too short, they also shouldn't be too long. Sentences make the text harder to read, and if they are long enough, they can also make the sentence loose sense.

Do not write like this:

"The purple key is used to open a chest with a purple lock, the key to this chest is found on the kitchen table, which is an often patrol route, so you might want to be careful, because you might get caught easly."

At the beginning of this sentance, I am talking about the key that you are writing about, but In the end, I am talking about Mr. Peterson being there.

The perfect sentence, is the one I used in the last two points.


Ortography is one of the most common mistakes, as you can imagine it makes the text impossible to understand. Before you publish your article or save your edit, check twice if the text is correct.


Making spacing between parts of your article makes the text easier to read, and it separates parts of it, which looks better.

Instead of your page looking like this:

"The purple key is used to open a chest with a purple lock, the key to this chest is found on the kitchen table, which is an often patrol route, so you might want to be careful, because you might get caught easly."

make it look like that:



The purple key is used to open a chest, with a purple lock


It is painted purple. The key has five beards, which is more than any other key. It has an uneven circle bore.


It can be found on the dining table in kitchen.

The key is located on the neighbor's patrol route



as you can see, it makes the text look better, and makes it more readable. Just remember to use "Heading" instead of "Sub-heading 1", I had to use it, so that you want confuse it with the actual headings.

If you write a longer text under one of those headings, let's say you are writing about an item that is in many locations in one particular build, and you want to add locations of all of them (or at lest some of them), make a new paragraph for every single item.

Don't write like this:

"An apple can be found on a table. It can also be found in the bedroom. An apple can also be found next to the bins."

Write like this:

"An apple can be found on a table in the kitchen on the first floor.

Another apple can be found on a shelf in the neighbor's bedroom.

Yet another one can be found next to the bins, in front of the neighbor's house."


Editing articles is the most common thing you can do on the wiki (except of reading of course!). Before save your edit or post an article, make sure that every word is written correctly, and there are no mistakes about lore.

You can find a full guide on editing over here.


Infoboxes hold the most important data.

To add an Infobox, just click "INSERT" on the top of the page --> Infobox --> choose a cattegory ("Character", "Item" etc.)

You can see an example of an Infobox on your right -->

You can find a full guide on how to add Infoboxes over here.

If you are creating an infobox and you don't have a photo of the thing that your infobox is about and there is no suitable photo on the wiki, you can use the file "PLACEHOLDER.png" and hope that somebody else will upload a suitable picture.

Trivia / Fun Facts

Fun facts make your article more interesting. Always make sure that your fun facts are true.

Don't add something like

"Mr. Peterson's house is huge in act 3" because that common knowledge for Hello Neighbor players.

"We don't know why this article's author keeps writing about a purple key, because it doesn't exist." is something that you can add under the Trivia headline

The End!

Thanks for reading this guide! I hope you have learned something from it, and you will use the stuff that you've learned.