Guide to Infoboxes

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Welcome to JDracolyte's Guide to Infoboxes! Here, I will show you what is proper infobox conduct for this wiki, and how to do special things like /gallery and more.

What are infoboxes?

Infoboxes are fact squares or are like sidebars in magazine articles; they are designed to present a basic summary of the topic of the page. They show important points in an organized and quickly readable format. Infoboxes are generally templates, which is what we will be using today.

Adding an infobox to an article

While in the Visual Editor, adding an infobox to an article is as easy as any other template: simply use the 'insert' button, then click the corresponding drop-down button.

However in Source Editing, it's a bit more complicated. You need to manually write down everything the would-be infobox has in it's template. For example here:

{{infobox character
 | title         = Person
 | image         = human.jpg
 | imagecaption  = Just a regular person
 | position      = Human being
 | age           = 18
 | status        = alive
 | height        = 5'5
 | weight        = 169 lbs

So I would recommend the Visual Editor when possible, because it allows you to do what source editing can do in a fraction of the time. However, the source editor can be helpful with moving infoboxes, and wrapping text around them.

Character Infoboxes

For character infoboxes, we usually like there to be as much information listed as possible about the subject. Wether it's the hair color on their head or the name of their favorite pet, we want it all there. But all things in it's place, of course.

To the right is a scaled-down version of the Guest's infobox, complete with a /gallery, picture, and full of content (at least the parts that weren't clipped for the purpose of this article).


To make a gallery, simply add this bit of code to the image or image1 category in the infobox, like this:

Gueset.png|In Suit
Pris.png|Pris (Dream)

When adding the image name and extension, use the EXACT wording. You can't write Gueset.jpg or gueset.html and expect the same image to appear, you must write it in it's proper extension and capitalization: Gueset.png. And there it is! Just remember to keep in line with the wiki rules and Fandom rules when uploading pictures.

To add the clickable heading to the top of the image, just add a '|' next to the picture name. For example, Gueset.png|In Suit. Do this for every image shown in the infobox you are editing.

For character galleries, we like to use as little wording as possible, while still making the content understandable to the consumer. For instance, with the Guest's infobox, instead of saying 'The Guest With Suit On', we would just say 'In Suit'. Keep it as clean as possible.


Now we move on to the more tedious part of the infobox, the description of the character. Every section should be filled out, unless no information for that particular string exists. When clicking the 'edit' button that appears over an infobox while editing an article, this is what you will find in the case of an empty one:

Inside an infobox.

Please take the time to fill out each individual column, but don't add any information if you are not certain about it or have sources to provide. Moderators will be checking them, and misinformation can be viewed as vandalism, which is a bannable offense. In short, if you don't know, don't add.

Object Infoboxes

Object infoboxes work similarly to character infoboxes, just remember you're writing about an inanimate object, not a live (or dead) character.


The process of making a object gallery is the exact same as listed above. But again, use as little wording as possible when describing the image. So instead of 'Current Version of Carpet' just write 'Current'.


Again, this is mostly the same as a character, but this time it's not alive, and you have different things to describe. In Hello Neighbor, the player character can pick up certain objects and use them or throw them. Some objects have functions (like the lawn mower), some are just throwables (like the boxes). List them as they are. If an object can be used to provide light, write the estimated brightness, from 1-10. Otherwise just write 0. If an item has been removed from the full game or is only present in earlier builds, write so.

Other Infoboxes

The Hello Neighbor wiki has many infoboxes, but I have shown you how to create and edit the main two and the rest of them are similar. Just make sure you are using the right infobox for the article, like GameInfobox for a video game's page, or Infobox Book for a book, and so on. If you have any questions, feel free to message me or another member of the staff, and we will gladly help.


Thank you for taking the time to read my guide, it was a privilege for me to help you. I will continue to add to this as needed, and I will write more guides in the future. When another releases, check my user page for a full list of all my guides. Thank you all, and happy editing!