Giant Magnet

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The Giant Magnet is an important object in Hello Neighbor. It attracts metal objects. It looks like a machine with a steel shell with motors that spin around inside. Deactivating the giant magnet is required to get anything from the room. The green key is in this room, and is needed to get into Fear School.

Things Attached to it (Default)


  • Strangely, it attracts the electromagnet, although realistically, they would repel from each other. Except magnets have two polarities so they would still attract each other when facing the correct pole.
  • Nicky Roth cannot take things off of the magnet if they are stuck to it.
  • If Nicky Roth is carrying metal objects, and goes near the magnet, they will be removed from the inventory and stuck on the magnet.
  • If a radio is attracted and turned on, the radio cannot be shut off.
  • If you throw an object into the windmill gears on top of the house, it will stop the magnet.
  • The fan in the basement in Alpha 4 - Beta 3 has the same sound as the magnet.