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Phonographs are important objects in Hello Neighbor.


There are two different phonographs that can be found in Mr. Peterson's House in Act 3, a green and red one. They both look vintage and have a long brass sound horn. They are disproportionate and cartoonish, common with many other objects in Hello Neighbor. The two phonographs must be used to grow or shrink the tomato plants that are located around Mr. Peterson's House in Act 3.

The green phonograph when activated plays the Alpha 2 intro theme. The green phonograph is used to grow the tomato plants in the apple shooter room. When the green phonograph is turned on near the large patch of soil, which tomato seedlings are in, tomato plants will gradually grow, blocking the apples fired from the pitching machines reaching the red levers.

The red phonograph when activated plays the Prototype-Alpha 1 chase music. The red phonograph is used to shrink the tomato plants on the roof of Mr. Peterson's House so that the player can access the ladder on the side of the windmill and the metal service hatch which contains the windmill mechanism.

Alpha 4 Cutscene

In Alpha 4, outside on the left side of Mr. Peterson's House, you can find a phonograph sticking out of the ground. If you have grown the golden apple, you are able to throw it into this phonograph which will trigger an unusual secret cutscene. Nicky Roth will be abruptly drawn into the phonograph. The player will find themselves in a darkened room with a phonograph on its side lying on the floor, near it lies a broken record. Looking outside a window, you will see a shadowy figure glide across the floor. Then, as if you were Mr. Peterson, his hands cover the screen, ending the cutscene. Nicky will again find himself outside in front of the phonograph sticking out of the ground, but without the golden apple.


Alpha 4

  • To the left of Mr. Peterson's House, behind a high fence in the big grass, you can find a phonograph, which is half-buried under the ground. It is from this phonograph that the secret cutscene comes from.
  • In the secret room, where the cutscene takes place, you can see a broken phonograph lying on the floor.
  • In Fear Darkness on the shelf which is next to the shelf with paper airplanes and the cash register is a large phonograph.

Beta 1 - 2

  • Behind the map of Fear Supermarket is a huge phonograph.
  • Nothing else has changed.

Beta 3

Full Game

  • Act 1 (Green): A green phonograph can be found in Theodore's bedroom in Act 1, but is useless.
  • Act 2 (Green): A green phonograph is located near the Sharkotron patrolled flooded room on a table. It is also useless.
  • Act 3 (Green): The green phonograph is located behind the moon and sun door.
  • Act 3 (Red): The red phonograph is located up the long ladder in the flooded room. However, it required to freeze the water with the globe or double jump across.
  • Act Finale (White): It is above the Giant Neighbor’s head in the boss battle. You will have to use the toaster to get up there. Once you are there, turn the knob and the disk will start to turn. But, no music will play as the needle is not down.


  • Green phonographs can also be found in Act 1 and Act 2, but serve no purpose.
  • In the game files before Beta 1, you can find the original phonograph model.


  • The music from the red phonograph plays the chase music when the Neighbor chases you in the Prototype, Pre-Alpha, Alpha 1 and at the end of Act 1:
