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The Globe is an important object in Hello Neighbor.


It is a miniature model of the world. Initially positioned without stand.


The globe is used to freeze the water up the ladder in Act 3. It is located behind a gate above the 2nd bathroom, and near the entrance to Fear Supermarket and the pitching machine room. There is a gate blocking some crates and boxes, and the globe sits on a box.


To get it, you must block the pitching machines from hitting the levers. It requires the player to put boxes near them or grow the tomato bushes with the green phonograph. The levers will open the gate to the globe ball when they are all facing the wall. Then the player must freeze the ball in a refrigerator and take it to the room without a wall before the ice on it melts. The player must place the ball on the half sphere shape thing that will freeze the water. Then you can get the red gramophone.


  • It does not actually depict the actual world.
  • There is only one white part. It either represents Antarctica or the Arctic. Unlike the real globe, there are supposed to be two of these.