Act 1 (Hello Neighbor 2)

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Act 1 is the first of two acts currently existing in Hello Neighbor 2. It is where the game begins. The events take place between Act 2 and 3 of the first part of Hello Neighbor.



Journalist Quentin drives his van to Raven Brooks. He writes something in a journal and his goal is to find Mr. Peterson's missing children , Aaron and Mya. He decides to have some coffee and falls asleep. Already at night, he drove up to Peterson's house, hoping to see evidence. He only sees a cat in the bushes and, out of fear, takes a picture of it. Suddenly, he looks back and sees Peterson running after his son, grabs him and drags him into the basement of the house. Quentin photographs all this. Later, Peterson moves towards him with a shovel . Quentin barely manages to start the car, but Peterson is already near it. He breaks the car window, but Quentin drives away. Guest gets in his way , he turns and crashes into a barn. Quentin wakes up in the barn and successfully manages to get out. He turns around, but Peterson hits him over the head with a shovel and takes his camera. Quentin passes out, and later wakes up with a bandaged head in the office where he lives and works.

Mr.Peterson's House

After that, the day came, Quentin woke up, he sees on the monitors that the police sealed Peterson's house and goes there. Officer Newsom does not let him pass, so Quentin runs from him around the house. In the house, Quentin solves puzzles and manages to find the keys to the basement and gets into it. There he does not find any of Mr.Peterson's children, but sees a newspaper about the closing of the museum. Then night has already come, Quentin gets out of the basement into the backyard, an airplane flies to him, made from an ad about Aaron's disappearance, and on which is written "Help me". He sees a road of airplanes and understands that this boy needs to be saved and he is one of Peterson's children. On the way, he comes to the museum, he sees that the hallway is open, but the museum itself is locked, but he sees a shovel , decides to take it, but he loses consciousness and sees a nightmare. In it, he sees how he wakes up in his office , tries to turn on the lamp but it does not work. He takes a flashlight , turns it on, but hears someone trying to open the door and knocking. He drops the flashlight under the bed, but someone knocks louder and louder. He crawls under the bed deeper, but Mr.Peterson catches him there and the nightmare ends.


Day has come and Quentin wakes up with a fright. He saw on the monitors that the policeman is handing the key to Gerda (the local baker). He goes to the bakery, but Gerda interferes with him there. Quentin solves puzzles and manages to find the buttons from the cash register , where he finds the key to the museum . By that time it is already dark and you can go to the museum. Quentin comes to the museum and finds a photo of Aaron and Mr. Peterson there . He takes it and sees a nightmare. In it, Quentin takes the same photo, but the weather outside gets very bad. Mr.Peterson forcibly drags his son into the house , Quentin tries to get to their house through the storm, but lightning appears in front of him and Quentin falls into bed and the nightmare ends.

Kinander Residence

Day has come and Quentin wakes up with a fright. He saw on the monitors how taxidermist Otto buries something near his house. Quentin goes to his house. There Otto follows Quentin. Quentin solves puzzles in the house, finds parts of the map and assembles it. He finds a safe where the key to the office in the museum was . Then night has already fallen and Mr.Peterson has opened the museum. Quentin goes there, opens the office. He finds a safe and a code for it and in the safe he finds his camera , accidentally blinds himself with it and sees a nightmare. In it, Quentin opens the doors of the museum and goes inside. He sees a gold coin falling on the floor . He takes it, but even more coins fall. After, he sees a living stuffed raven on the ceiling , from which coins fall and eventually, it eats Quentin and the nightmare ends.

The Mayor's House

Day has come and Quentin wakes up with a fright. He saw on the monitors how the mayor is doing something in his villa. Quentin goes there, but the mayor is chasing him there. Quentin solves puzzles in the villa and opens a secret room, in which he finds a key to one of the museum rooms. Then night has already come and Mr.Peterson as opened the museum. Quentin goes there, opens the room. He solves puzzles and eventually opens the attic of the museum. There he finds Aaron, but before he can leave with him, Mr.Peterson comes. He puts Quentin in a cage, and Aaron hides in the museum.

Escape From The Museum

Quentin wakes up in a cage in the attic of the museum . He gets out of there, solves puzzles and manages to unlock the door to the exit of the museum. He calls Aaron and they want to escape, but Mr. Peterson comes after them . Suddenly, a stuffed raven falls on Mr.Peterson, Aaron is shocked and tries to help his father, he tries to lift the stuffed animal. But suddenly an unknown person comes to Quentin and hits him with some heavy object. Quentin loses consciousness, and an unknown person drags him somewhere ...



After the first cutscene, we find ourselves in a barn where the training takes place. You need to activate the switch, take the yellow key and open the lock hanging nearby. There will be a blue gear behind the door, which you will need to insert into the mechanism near the exit. Next to the exit there will be a box with a crowbar sticking out of it. Using it, we open the box, which will contain stones. We take a stone and throw it into the display case with a green gear, breaking the glass. We take the gear and insert it into the mechanism. We return to the car, pick off the board and, crawling and climbing the stairs, grab the last red gear, insert it into the mechanism and activate it, opening the door.

Mr.Peterson's House

After the cutscenes, we head to Mr.Petersom's house. We go into the left room, where we turn on the TV, which will have the inscription "Nounds Of Tanure", with the letters N, O and T highlighted. Under the stairs to the second floor we find a sliding picture, behind which you will need to enter these three letters. A secret passage will open, where there will be a crowbar and a figurine of Aaron. We put this figurine on one of the stands on the toy house standing in the kitchen, in accordance with the picture on the refrigerator. Then, near the stairs to the second floor we climb onto the closet and slide the picture, behind which there will be a figurine of Mr.Peterson. There we will also find a drawing indicating a house on a tree. We climb onto the tree house using the trampoline, which is behind the house, opposite the Mr.Peterson's house. There you need to move the robot's drawing, behind which there will be his hand with a sword. We put the robot's hands in the same position as in the drawing and a compartment will open in it, in which there will be a switch. We insert the switch into the switch and activate it. The train will go along the other track and bring us scissors. We go to the kitchen and behind the toy house there will be a hole in the wall, boarded up. We remove the board with a crowbar and take the Mia figurine from there. We put the figurines on the toy house according to the picture on the refrigerator, after which the door of the house will open, where there will be a key to one of the locks on the door to the basement. To find the next key, you need to open the refrigerator and move the plate, behind which there will be a cube with a number. The same cubes are in the toilet, in the drawer in the left room and near the safe. Above the specialist there are multi-colored flags, according to which you need to make a sequence of numbers using cubes. As a result, you will get the code for the safe "1984", after which, having opened the safe, we will get another key to the basement. Then we go to the second floor, cutting the ribbons with scissors, where, to find the next key, you need to restore the photo, collecting its parts. One is in the room near the bedroom on the shelf, another in the drawer in the hallway, another behind a patch on the pillow in the nursery and the last one in the closet. To get the last one, you need to climb on the closet in the bedroom and cut the web, behind which there are dumbbells. These dumbbells need to be placed on the pressure plate in the nursery, after which the closet will open, where the last part of the picture will be. Having found all the parts, we insert them into the frame, and the bookshelf in which the key is located will slide out. To find the last key, you must first pull out the bed by pressing the lever disguised as part of the bed. There will be a switch in the drawer, which we insert into the switch near the rack in the room near the bedroom. The rack moves away, and there will be a device with a battery behind the web. We take the battery and go to the nursery, where we insert this battery into the remote control, after which, having activated the lever twice, the toy car will bring the last key from under the bed. We open all the locks on the door to the basement and in the basement we take a newspaper sheet, which talks about a museum. Then we take the red key and, having opened the red lock, get out of the basement. After the cutscene, we go to the museum, where we take a shovel.


After the cutscenes, go to Gerda's bakery. There you need to find four buttons for the cash register. To find the first one, you need to steal Gerda's key hanging on her belt and open the refrigerator in the pantry. From there, take a fish-shaped cookie and put it in Imbir's bowl. Imbir will eat the cookie, and we take the button he was playing with before. To get the second button, you need to take an ice cube with a key inside from the freezer and put it in the oven. When the ice melts, you need to put out the fire using the fire extinguisher hanging on the wall near the kitchen table. After taking the key from the oven, you need to go up to the second floor, where there will be a table with a book on the lock. After opening the lock, we find the second button in the book. For the next button, you need to take the valve near the refrigerator and insert it into the nipple in the bathroom on the second floor. After turning off the water, you need to take the scissors on the bedroom table and, going out onto the balcony, trim the bush in which the button will be. The last button is in the clock on the second floor. You need to cut the patch on the carpet, behind which there will be one of the hands on the clock. We insert it into the clock and set the time as on an electronic clock: 10:35. The door opens, behind which is the last button. We insert all these buttons into the right place on the cash register and press the buttons in the right order, as shown in the photo above the machine: 1576. The cash drawer will slide out, in which there will be a key to the museum.

First Night at The museum

With the key you need to come to the museum and open the lock on the door. There you need to break two display cases, behind which are a model of a house and scissors. Use scissors to cut the web at the neighboring peak, from where you take another model of a house. Bring these models to the map in the corridor at the front entrance. There will be a safe with another model nearby. Insert the houses according to the bases, and the safe opens, in which there is a blue key that opens a blue lock. In the upside-down room behind the web, take the sconce and insert it near the shelf. Tilt the two sconces down, after which a door appears behind the web. In the room behind the door is a heart-shaped key. This key opens the bedroom on the second floor, where behind the display case is a photograph of the Neighbor's family. Take the photo and after the cutscene head to the Kinander Residence.

Kinander Residence

Climbing onto the roof of Otto's house, we find the letter "C" there. Then we need to find the letter "B" under the roof in the house and the last letter "F" on the toilet lid on the first floor. These letters need to be inserted into the refrigerator in the kitchen, after which the refrigerator will open, where there will be a deer horn. This horn needs to be inserted into the stand for antlers on the second floor, after which a bookshelf will slide out, in which there is a part of the map. For the second part of the map, you need to activate four boar heads in a short time. One on the first floor, the second on the second floor above the stairs, the third on the basement floor and the fourth on top under the roof. If you activate all the heads quickly, the microwave will open, where there will be another piece of the map. For the next piece of the map, you need to take the switch from the stuffed bear in the basement and insert it into the switch on another stuffed bear in the workroom on the first floor. Once activated, the bear's jaw will move away, and you can take the piece of the map. The last piece of the map is in the chest on the basement floor behind the boards under the stairs. Take the scissors on this floor, and take the crowbar on the rack on the second floor. Use the scissors to cut the patch on the pillow on the bed on the second floor, where the key to the chest will be. Use this key on the chest, and in it we find the last piece of the map. All these parts of the maps need to be hung in the correct order on the board on the second floor using pins. The map will indicate the location of the safe. In order to open it, you need to match the colors of the pins and the numbers on each of the pieces of the map. Then we take a shovel in the extension on the roof of the house and go dig up the safe in the place indicated on the map. We enter the password in accordance with the colors of the pins and numbers on the map, and we get the code 80164. The safe opens, and we get a key in the form of a book.

Second Night at The Museum

This key opens a room on the second floor of the museum. There you need to take the bird-shaped car mascot and attach it to the nose of the Neighbor's car, which is in the museum's garage on the basement floor. The hood opens and we find a gear in it. Another gear can be found in the globe in the room on the second floor. You need to rotate the globe to position the large red cross opposite the hand sticking out from under the blanket, so that it looks like the finger is pointing at the cross. Then the globe will open, where there will be another gear. The last gear is in Mr.Peterson's bedroom. You need to take the weight in the box in the room with the globe and put it on the pressure plate in the bedroom. The wall above the bed will turn, revealing the last gear. These gears need to be inserted into the clock on the first floor near the right staircase to the second floor. The clock will set the time to 11:35. These numbers will need to be entered into the safe, after which it will open, and there will be a camera inside. Take the camera and after the cutscene go to the city hall.

The Mayor's House

Entering the mayor's office, we find a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, using which we put out the grill on the veranda, from where we take the meat and put it in the bowl of the dog Skipper. After that, we take a shovel near the statue of the mayor and dig up the scepter. We insert this scepter into the hand of the statue, and a hiding place with one of the awards opens. For the next reward, you need to climb onto the roof and through the window get to one half of the attic, where behind the board is a box. Open it, there will be a fuse, which, if pulled, will turn off the lasers in the mayor's office, behind which is the next reward. Another reward is on the second floor in the mayor's bedroom. You need to jump on the bed and fly onto the decorative beams, where the reward will be. For the next reward, you need to open the box in the same place where the previous reward was and insert the fuse. This moves the painting underneath it, where the safe is. Then you need to go into the bathroom on the first floor, where there will be a model of a yacht, which you need to bring and put on a stand under a painting with the same yacht near the dining table next to the kitchen. The painting rises, and behind it there will be a photo with the Skipper and his date of birth: 06/08/1991. The numbers 8, 6 and 91 will be highlighted, from which the code for the safe is made. After entering the code, we find the reward in the safe. To find the last reward, you need to press the keys on the piano in the right order. The order is on the sheet of music opposite the piano. There is a sequence of yellow, red, green and blue keys. After that, you need to go up to the second floor and in front of the stairs there will be a gold plate in a frame. After breaking the glass, we take the plate and go to the opened room on the first floor with a gramophone. We insert the plate, turn on the gramophone and, while the music is playing, quickly climb onto the retractable platform under the ceiling, where we find the last reward. All five awards must be placed in the corresponding places in the room near the stairs, after which the ship's steering wheel will be opened for us. We bring this steering wheel to the bedroom and attach it to the steering wheel. We turn it until the longitude and latitude indicators match. After this, a secret room will open behind the steering wheel, where we will find a key in the form of a gear.

Third Night at The Museum

With this key in the museum we open the room near the headless stuffed animals. There will be a book there, in which there is a wrench. With this key we unscrew the bolt at the door near the left stairs on the second floor. There we find a book with a flower, which we insert into the bookshelf in the room near the stuffed animals. Then we go to the TV on the second floor, climb onto the platform above it and open the box, in which there is one of the antenna whiskers. We climb onto the roof, where we find the antenna and insert the whisker there. We lift these whiskers up and go to the TV. On the TV, switching channels, you can see symbols in the form of a fire, a flower and a planet. We go to the room near the stuffed animals and pull out books with the same symbols, after which the wall opens, where there will be a bear's head. The next scarecrow head is in the upside down room on the first floor. Between the windows you can find a fish head. And the last head of the stuffed animal is in the trunk of Mr.Petersom's car. You need to find a handle from the car door in the box in the garage, which you need to insert into the door, after which it will open. In the cabin, you need to press the lever that opens the trunk, where there will be a boar's head. These heads need to be inserted into the stuffed animals, after which the stairs to the attic will open. Once you climb up, there will be a key hanging nearby that opens the lock on the cage.

Escape from the Museum / Final Battle

After the cutscene, you need to take the scissors on the nightstand near the bed and remove the cobwebs from the lock. You need to look around for numbers on multi-colored circles that will make up the code: 75203. But the lock is upside down, and you need to enter the numbers from the outside, not the inside. Therefore, you either need to look at the lock from the side and pick up the code, or you can put these numbers upside down from the inside, and then turn all the drums five more numbers, after which the door will open. Then you need to take the switch, remove the cobwebs with scissors and activate the switch. After that, going down, we steal Mr.Peterson's wrench, which is hanging on his belt. Using the wrench, we unscrew the bolt and open the fire extinguisher, which is in the corridor near the entrance to the garage. Then we unscrew two bolts by the fireplace, move the grate, put out the fire, take the key and open the lock at the entrance. We also take the crowbar from the display case, chip off the boards and open the door, ending the game.


  • This act is currently the longest in the game.
    • If you know everything and don't go through some puzzles, if you don't have to solve them (for example, finding a map in Otto's house), then on average this act can be completed in 30-40 minutes.
  • Act 2 is not a sequel, as it is a side quest. Although it also has its own ending and may have a sequel, it does not tie in with the ending of Act 1. Most likely, its events take place in between Act 1.