Skrondolny's Guide to Hello Guest Alpha 1

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Hello! In this guide I am going to tell you how to complete the second version of Hello Neighbor 2 - Hello Guest Alpha 1.


First you will see two hands, each holding a clipboard and "<A D>" in between them. This is how you choose your character. Click "A" to choose Beatrix, or "D" to choose Quentin, and then click left mouse button to confirm. It doesn't affect the gameplay in any way so I am going to choose Quentin.

After the cutscene, go forward until you are in front of the gate saying "Celnom oot Logdn Pyoll" ("Welcome to Golden Apple" in Wayron Croobian with some missing letters) now you have to turn right. Go forward and enter the "Recusity sopt" ("Security post" in Wayron Croobian). Pick up the phone and watch the cutscene.

Getting the silver key

Leave the map and take the fire extinguisher then go to the back of the security post. Jump onto one of the billboard's legs and then jump onto the roof below you. Be careful as you may need to land using the fire extinguisher to not die of the fall damage. Go to the top, enter the building and take all of the items.

Entering the cateria

Go outside and go to the big red building on the right side of the map. Open the gate and the red door using the silver key. You don't need the silver key anymore so throw it away as you will need more invenory space. Go the building next to the opening gate with a funicular hanging next to it. Instead of entering the building, climb up the "stairs" and jump one the bent red-brownish fence. Jump on the roof using the extinguisher. Jump into the hole in the floor next to the door and pick the generator up. Return to the cafeteria (the red building). Place the spotlight (long cardboard box) in the doors so that the Guest won't enter and place the camera in a place where you will be able to find it later. Place the generator next to the panel with 2 buttons on it and 8 buttons near it. Connect the generator with the panel using a wire. Exit the area jumping on the railing near the stairs and then jump over the fence. Go to the opening gate and collect any wires you will find. Wait for the shift to end (or kill yourself in any way). When your shift has ended go to the store. Here you wan to buy a wire, a camera monitor and I would recommend to buy at least 2 extinguishers. On your next shift go to the cafeteria and connect the generator with the panel. Turn on the generator and then press "1". Look on the lamps on a wall and turn the dials in the same order. After that, turn off the generator and go inside the building. Pick up the camera on your way and enter the elevator. Jump out on the top using the security trapdoor and jump on the beams until you find next lamps. Place the camera so that you will be able to see the lamps through it. Return to the panel. Turn on the generator, press "2" on the panel and turn the dials on the other side of the stone in the order shown by the lamps. Reutrn to the elevator, do the parkour and enter the cafeteria.


Jump out the window and walk forward. This is the end. Thank you!