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The Wire is one of the useless objects in Hello Neighbor, but important in Hello Neighbor 2.


It looks like a simple black wire. It is found in all versions except the Pre-Alpha. It plays the role of decoration and is often connected to something that gives Nicky Roth an opinion on what this wire is connected to and where it leads. A new type of wire was added in the Full Game, but the old one was removed.

In Hello Neighbor 2, the wire was given a function: now it can be taken and inserted into sockets.


  • This is one of the objects that has not changed for all versions of the game.
  • As with rails, roads and pipes, it consists of several points (turns). This confirms the Mod Kit.
  • In one of the patches, one of the wires goes through the elevator arch at the Mill.
  • It is unclear how the elevator closes normally if a wire passes through there.
  • In Hello Neighbor 2, a wire is in two states: normal (is an ordinary subject) and stretched (is an interactive object).


  • If you plug one end of the wire into a power outlet, and hold the other in your hands and move a long distance, then you will fly off to the wall by tensile force. Thus, you can fly high into the sky, or you can die.