Fire Extinguisher

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The Fire Extinguisher is an important object in Hello Neighbor 2.


Hello Neighbor Alpha 1

A fire extinguisher first appeared in the Hello Neighbor Alpha 1 files. It looks like a regular fire extinguisher with a red trigger and bell. "Avaritia FIRE EXTINGUISHER" and a list of instructions are printed onto the cylindrical pressure vessel. It was planned to be used in Alpha 1 to extinguish fires on the sixth floor of Mr. Peterson's house, but due to the feature being scrapped, it became unused and remained in the game files.

Hello Neighbor 2 Pre-Full Game

A usable fire extinguisher appeared in-game in Hello Guest Alpha 1. It looks like a cartoonish extinguisher with a gray locking and starting device, as well as a hose to the end of which a bell is attached. An image of a fire is printed onto the pressure vessel. Unlike the Hello Neighbor Alpha 1 version, the fire extinguisher in Hello Guest actually appeared in the game itself and can be picked up and used.

In Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1, the fire extinguisher remained physically identical to the Hello Guest version. The extinguisher now has an infinite supply of fire-extinguishing liquid and the particles have been changed to look more realistic. However, when the fire extinguisher is used for more than 10 seconds, the hose will begin to twitch, and the "foam" begins to spray in different directions. It can also be used by the Guest to extinguish fires in the house and push the player off high places.

Hello Neighbor 2 Full Game

In the full game of Hello Neighbor 2, the fire extinguisher can be found in The Bakery and the Mayor's mansion. A fire extinguisher can also be found in the hallway next to the garage during the boss battle.


  • In Hello Guest, you can use the fire extinguisher to extinguish the fires caused by vandals.
  • In Hello Guest and Hello Neighbor 2, you can use the fire extinguisher to fly and get up to higher places (best done if you jump and activate the extinguisher at the same time).
  • In Hello Neighbor 2, the fire extinguisher is used to put out the oven fire in the bakery, put out the fire on the grill at the Mayor's house, and put out the fire at The Museum to obtain the key.


  • In Hello Guest, after the fire extinguisher is emptied, it becomes useless and cannot be refilled.
  • Interestingly, the fire extinguisher could extinguish more intense fire in the Hello Guest announcement trailer.


Hello Guest
