Subway of the Subconscious

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The Subway of the Subconscious is the railway system that circles around Mr. Peterson's house in Alpha 4-Act 3. It has three stations and, until the train is activated, is blocked up via roadblocks and boards.


The only way to access the train itself is through the main station, which can be accessed by building a staircase of boxes or other objects to the upside-down door on the wall in the birthday room. However, a station that is blocked up and has no train can be found after opening the elevator door and climbing the ladder to the room before the flooded room.


There are three stations scattered throughout Mr. Peterson's house.

  • Peedo (Depo) (known as Педо before the full game) - The first station is located above the birthday room, and can be accessed by creating a makeshift staircase and climbing it up and into the upside down door.
  • Deenvleem (Windmill) (known as Леньмица before the full game) - The second station is located in the room before the water room in the elevator shaft. It can be accessed by climbing the ladder up to the second platform, pulling the lever, and entering the room.
  • Tower Moor (Water Room) (known as Холпая Мокнапия before the full game) - The third station can only be accessed via the train or the tracks. It is a room with some Motato plants that the player can shrink using the red phonograph.


The Subway of the Subconscious has a small train that rides around the track. The train can be activated when the red button in the control room is pressed, and the lever is pulled. The train will then loop the track infinitely, unless the player gets in it and sets the train so it doesn't move.

It is mainly used for easy access around the map, and it also allows access to the third station, which gives access to the roof and, by extension, the windmill.


 The train station sound from Alpha 3.
