Raven Brooks Station of Weather and Meteorology

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The Raven Brooks Station of Weather and Meteorology (or just the Weather Station) is a meteorological facility located in Raven Brooks.

It appears in-game in Secret Neighbor and Hello Guest Prototype.


The station was built in the 1950's/60s by Roger and Adelle Peterson for the purpose of studying the odd Weather patterns in Raven Brooks, however for unknown reasons was abandoned.

Theodore Peterson and his best friend Ike Gershowitz would sometimes mingle in the tunnels located underneath the station.

In the teaser that TinyBuild posted, it is shown that Theodore and his Brother Franklin go into the station to do a "test" but end up being attacked by kids in Halloween costumes (who resemble the Hello Neighbor 2 cast), leading to Franklin's supposed death by a Purple Beam coming out of a hole.

Theodore later used the station as his base of operations when he flooded Raven Brooks in the 2010's.


Secret Neighbor

The weather station does not appear in Secret Neighbor immediately. For it to appear, you need to activate six yellow levers with numbers at the same time (because, over time, they turn off). The weather station will become visible from the roof of Mr. Peterson's house from afar.

In version, a room was implemented, which is located inside of the weather station. In the room is racks on which there are various objects. There is also a control unit with a large screen. Below the screen are five red, green and purple light bulbs (with each activation there is a different combination). Opposite the control unit is a door which you cannot open and get out. This room can be entered through a portal located in a secret room.

Hello Guest

The weather station can be found behind a wall which you can destroy in the good ending of the Hello Guest Prototype. If the player goes near to the weather station, you will hear the sound of wind and trains.

In Hello Guest Alpha 1, the weather station is near to the Guest statue behind a red wall. However, the weather station serves no purpose in Alpha 1.


  • In Nikita Kolesnikov's ArtStation account, you can find art and sketches of the weather station titled Mayak-1.
  • In the files of the Hello Guest Prototype and Alpha 1, it is called 'Meteostation'.
  • The appearance of the weather station is inspired by an abandoned 'MRLS-2 Meteorological Radar Station' located in Voronezh.
  • The weather station is briefly mentioned by Nicky Roth in the third Hello Neighbor novel, Buried Secrets.
  • The construction of the station was possibly funded by the Tavish Family.
  • The weather station makes an appearance in the animated series, Hello Neighbor: Welcome To Raven Brooks.


Secret Neighbor

Hello Guest

Concept Art
