Hello Neighbor Unused Content

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"You found the Solt Nayd Noufd Box!."
No cameras.png

This page contains content unused from the games! If you have anything to add to this page, message us!

This page documents unused content from Hello Neighbor's full release. For content unused in the Alpha and Beta versions, please view their Subpage.




A texture of a buy list, showcasing the objects needed to complete Fear Supermarket. Perhaps at one point, this was going to be used to show the objects instead of looking in the other mannequins carts.

Inventory Icons

Various unused icons.

Missing Poster Tomato Hammer Calendar Suitcase Stone Rubix Cube
UnusedPosterIcon.png UnusedTomatoIcon.png UnusedHammerIcon.png UnusedCalendarIcon.png UnusedSuitcaseIcon.png UnusedStoneIcon.png UnusedCubeIcon.png

Something to note, is that the Missing Poster is used in-game, however it's impossible to be seen without removing the police station mesh, as it's hitbox blocks the object from being picked up.

Controls Graphics

PS4 (Placeholder)

Placeholder for the PS4 controls.

PC Tool-Tip

Used in early versions of the Betas.


Placeholder image for the credits screen, used at the end of Alpha 4, Beta 1, Beta 2, and Beta 3.