Gavintheking2's Guide to Hello Neighbor AI

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Hello, Neighbors. I'm Gavin, a bureaucrat of this wiki. This is a guide that goes through each mainline Hello Neighbor game (excluding alpha builds) and giving you an in-depth explanation on how the AI works in that game.

Hello Neighbor (2017)

In Hello Neighbor, there are two different types of AI bases, which are normal mode and friendly mode. The friendly mode is enabled by default in Act 1, but you can enable it in the other acts by going to your settings. I will put the AI's full explanation in the "Basic Mode" section

Basic Mode (Act 2, Act 3)

The Neighbor has four AI states, which consist of Idle, Hunt, Attack, and Offline. In Idle mode, the Neighbor does everyday tasks, such as sleeping or taking a shower. The Neighbor typically watches television from his couch, but sometimes he'll even sleep on the couch, despite having a bed. Maybe it's quicker to get to. During this mode, he's docile and living a normal life. That is, until you disrupt him.

In Hunt mode, the Neighbor begins to become suspicious and wonder if someone is in his house. One way to get him into this mode is by breaking a window. The Neighbor will hear that one of his windows are broken, and go to check it. If the player does this too many times to the same window, the Neighbor will eventually board up that window. If the Neighbor sees a door that was not open the last time he checked, he will also go into Hunt mode. During this mode, the Neighbor runs to points around that area, which are placed by the game designer. These points are called "hunt control points", and are specific spots in which the Neighbor stops at, before taking a look around.

Attack mode is when the Neighbor has seen the player and is pursuing him. The Neighbor runs slightly slower than the player runs, giving you a small advantage. In Attack mode, he will go to wherever he's sure you're at. For example, if you turn a corner, he'll see you turn that corner and try to go that way too.

Friendly Mode (Act 1)

The Friendly Mode AI is much more simple than the basic AI. For starters, the Neighbor is much slower, and is now only slightly quicker than your walking speed. If you get a chance to run, you're long gone before he can get to you. Another change is that he does NOT have his traps. These include bear-traps and cameras, The buckets, tomatoes, and glue remain with him, even on this mode.

Hello Neighbor 2 (Beta)

Hello Neighbor 2's Beta currently does not use the Neural Network used for the final game. I will update this section when the release build comes out. Right now, the AI uses it's own system and each character has different tasks. Everyone has the same detection system, so they can all hear footsteps and running near them, unless you're crouching.

Officer Keith Nielsen

Officer Nielsen is the first AI you encounter in Hello Neighbor 2's beta. He is pretty simple, and doesn't have any cool tricks like the other NPCs do. He spends most of his time in the living room, where the goal in the house is. He is either looking out the window, eating a donut near the TV, or looking at the basement door.

If you want to use his car siren as a distraction, you'll need to get the key off his belt. Since he can hear you walking, you'll need to crouch to be able to grab it. The police car can now be opened, and the siren can be triggered. This brings Nielsen outside so that you can enter the living room easily. You can also alert him to the kitchen by opening the kitchen door, which rings a bell and brings him to the sound.

This bit isn't about AI, but PLEASE know that you need to hold "E" to open the Basement door. I kinda wish they told you that, because people assumed you just pressed it like with the other doors.


I'm putting this section before Mr. Peterson because traversing around Skipper is required to get the key to the Museum's main doors. Skipper is the least complex AI in the Beta, and probably the worst. All he really does is just try to chase after you, and just barks at you if you're high up. To stay away from him, keep yourself on the bushes so that he can't get to you, and platform across the big bushes to get to the key to the Museum.

Theodore Peterson

Mr. Peterson is the AI in the way of the main goal of the beta, which is the hideout's attic. He is the one you'll most likely encounter for the longest time. He is always on edge, so idle tasks do not distract him from someone potentially being in his hideout.

Mr. Peterson has multiple unique idle tasks, such as watching TV from his couch. He fakes his sleeping while he's on the couch, so you can easily get tricked by him if you hear him snoring. He also occasionally takes showers. Once you unlock the pretzel key's lock, He can enter that room and grab a pair of binoculars. He uses them to look out the window across the street, where Quentin's office is. When Mr. Peterson wants to work on his car, he grabs a wrench and takes it with him.

Oh yeah, and get a Gas Canister from the garage and put it in the hideout's chimney from the roof. There should be a hole in the chimney, which the Gas Canister can fit in. You'll need to do it if you want the next few tricks to lead up to the ultimate distraction.

There are multiple things you can do to interrupt Mr. Peterson's daily life without being seen or caught. There are paint buckets scattered around the hideout, which you can place above wooden doors. If he opens that door, he will be covered in paint and want to take a shower. You can take advantage of this by waiting until he has the wrench and then tricking him into being covered in paint. Once this happens, he will take the wrench with him to the bathroom and place it in a closet, giving you the chance to grab it.

This is where strategy two begins. You can use the wrench on the boiler in the bathroom (Hold Left-Click) and it will freeze his water. When you do this, he will get cold upon taking a shower, and want to turn on his furnace to get warmer. Remember that Gas Canister? That's in the fireplace. When he turns on the fire, the Gas Canister explodes and fills the main lobby with smoke. Mr. Peterson begins coughing, and gives you a big advantage since he can't easily detect you for a while.

Gerda The Baker

The Baker spends most of her time at the cash register, either inspecting the pastry showcase or sitting in her armchair. If you walk in through the Bakery's front doors, she is not hostile towards you, as you are in a public area. She will only chase you if you're in the kitchen, upstairs, or behind the counter. There is an alarm clock in the kitchen, which you can use to distract her.

Upstairs, there is a recipe for a cherry pie on a table. You can place this in Gerda's recipe book in the kitchen. Once you steal the croissant at the counter, she will go back to the kitchen and begin working on a pie because of the page in the recipe book. She sets the alarm clock once the pie is put in the oven, so it will ring and bring her back into the kitchen. She will put the pie in the showcase at the main counter.

You can use the pie and throw it at her, making her clothes dirty. She goes upstairs to take a shower, so you can do whatever you need to do downstairs. If her pie is cooking for too long, it will start burning and filling the kitchen with smoke. Gerda will go to a locked room to get a fire extinguisher, giving you the opportunity to enter that room, and then create a new entrance to the kitchen via the window.

The Mayor