Table Lamp

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The Table Lamp is one of the objects that can illuminate the territory in Hello Neighbor.


The table lamp is very similar to a wall lamp. It differs from it in that it is not attached to the wall and it is possible to pick up.

The table lamp first appeared physically in Pre-Alpha. It looks like a yellow and green table lamp with flower patterns. The table lamp could not be turned on and off.

In Alpha 1, the table lamp was removed from the game.

In Alpha 2, the appearance of the table lamp changed. The table lamp is also present in subsequent versions of Hello Neighbor.



Coming soon


  • Alpha 2 has one unusual table lamp, the base of which looks like a vase. There is only one such vase on the entire Alpha 2 map.
  • In Alpha 1.5, you can see the same lamp on from the Prototype and Pre-Alpha.
  • In Secret Neighbor, you can turn the lamp on and off.

