Scary Neighbor

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The Scary Neighbor is a character class for the Neighbor side of Secret Neighbor. He has been in the game since the first Alpha. The Scary Neighbor is one of five Neighbor classes in Secret Neighbor.



Scary Neighbor can transform into the child closest to him by pressing Q (LB on Xbox). You look identical to them; the only way to tell that they aren't that kid is by hitting them, as their hurt noises don't swap, so if a Detective disguises as a Leader, you will still hear the male hit noise, the disguise goes away after you transform back into the Neighbor.

Bear Trap

Scary Neighbor has the ability to place down a bear trap, there is no limit to how many you can place down, they take 3 seconds to place, and take 5 seconds before you can place another one, once a kid steps in a bear trap they are unable to move until a fellow kid helps them up, or the 12 second stun duration is over


When the Scary Neighbor gets hit 5 times, he unlocks the Rage ability, which speeds him up for 10 seconds and regenerates half of his health immediately.
