Propeller Hat

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The Propeller Hat is an extremely useful object between Hello Guest Alpha 1 and Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1.5.


The hat itself is a flat rectangular prism with a propeller attached to it. When activated, the propeller spins, and raises you up.


Hello Guest Alpha 1

The Propeller Hat can only be created in the Mixer by combining a generator with a wire.

Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1 - Alpha 1.5

The Propeller Hat can be found in the locked shed outside Mr.Peterson’s house. The only way to unlock this shed is by getting up to the blue funicular. Inside of it, on the floor of the control room, is a blue key. This key will unlock the shed and the hat will become yours.


You can equip it by pressing left click. While equipped, holding the shift key will raise you higher into the air. To lower yourself simply stop pressing shift and you will descend slowly. To remove the hat, press left click again and it will return to your hand. This is an excellent tool for exploration because it has unlimited flight time and does not require fuel unlike the drone. This item can also be used to not lose items by taking fall damage since, while equipped, you fall much slower.
