Car Key

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The Car Key is one of the important keys in Hello Neighbor.


It is a small key with a red base (matching the color of Mr. Petersons Car). There are two recesses on the thread.

This is the key that opens the trunk of Mr. Petersons Car in which the electromagnet is located.

The trunk of Nicky Roth's Car does not have a key for itself.

In Secret Neighbor they are dropped by Man In The Hat when he is caught by a bear traps in one of the latest easter eggs.


Hello Neighbor

Act 1

It can be found on the second floor. You first have to access the room next to the red key room by knocking down the painting and jumping through the hole in the wall. The car key will then be located on the left.

Secret Neighbor

They are dropped by Man In The Hat when he is caught by a bear trap in a easter egg.


  • Despite the fact that the part that is inserted into the keyhole is metal, you cannot pull the key with any magnet.
  • Adult Nicky Roth holds the key the other way around (for the metal part). This can be fixed by setting the code and animations from Kid to Default.
  • It is very strange that the Car Key is red, and the Man in Hat Car is gray.