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This user is inactive, so please do not message them on the wiki. We ask that you contact our active Staff Members instead.


Hey there buddy! I'm one of the oldest staff that is still active in the wiki, I am no longer active as much I was on the wiki but I actually made what the wiki what it is now. If I didn't do it this wiki would probably be the wild west.

The Story of the Wiki

So, I joined the wiki back in 2018 when it was abandoned like a ghost town, there was a lot of vandalism and a lot of false information on the wiki and at the same time I saw a lot of potential to fix the wiki, so I asked some of the admistrators if they could give me a admin role but most of them were inactive and (I can't remember) someone gave me the BUREAUCRAT role which still stands to this day.

I began fixing the wiki slowly by adding more information or getting rid of vandalism or false information on the wiki, one day a guy was working really hard on the wiki and asked me if he can give me a admin role, his name was JDracolyte. I did give him a role on the wiki and the wiki still was growing, new admins were on the wiki, more people, and even more information! Today, the wiki is still expanding to this day.