Temporary Fencing

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The Temporary Fencing is an object in Hello Neighbor and Hello Guest.


The temporary fencing first appeared in Alpha 1, and looks like simple temporary fencing with rounded corners and white metallic color. In Alpha 2, the temporary fencing was removed from the game. In the full game, the temporary fencing returned without any changes in appearance and appears only in a dream with a roller coaster. In Hello Guest, the design became simpler, having straight edges, and no texture. in the Hello Guest screenshots, the temporary fencing again had curved corners but a little more bent.


Alpha 1

Temporary fencing is put around the "game" area in the carnival nightmare.

Alpha 2

They're on the left side of the neighbor's house. It also appears in one of the laboratories of the test house Neighbor_3

Full Game

They're along the rails in the starting section.

Hello Guest Prototype

Coming soon


  • This is one of the Hello Neighbor objects that have retained a realistic look (excluding Hello Guest changes).
