Tall Lamp

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The Tall Lamp is a useless object in Hello Neighbor


With the use of lighting, Tall Lamp is a useless but sometimes useful object.Tall Lamp is brighter and the light can surround a player so in some cases it is better than Flashlight.

Tall Lamp has two variants.The first variant has a cloth-covered head with blue stripes. Around the head are fringed petals radiating down. The top is also covered with cloth and raised higher.The second variation has a disproportionately circular shape. The top is all the same height, with no tops like the first. This variation is covered with a diamond pattern of stripes, white and colored. Vertically, these rhombuses have a fairly regular inner and outer core. However, horizontally, these rhombuses have darker stripes radiating around them. Among them, the core is solidly colored. purple, very similar to a diamond-shaped "eye".


Alpha 3-Full Game

Both variants have been around since Alpha 3. This is a rare one, because most of the newer variations of other items appear later in subsequent builds.


Alpha 3-Act 3

Neighbor's house

Floor 1

A Tall Lamp variant 1 appears next to a window and a staircase leading to the 2nd floor.

Floor 2

A Tall Lamp vartant 2 appears next to the gate and the staircase.

A Tall Lamp vartant 2 also appears within the room that has the lift.

Nicky's House

A Tall Lamp vartant 1 appears next to the couch within living room.

Act 1

Neighbor's house

A Tall Lamp vartant 2 appears next to the couch within living room.

Neighbor's basement

A Tall Lamp vartant 2 appears in the room that has TV.

Nicky's house

Same as Act 3.