Small Table

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The Small Tables are useless objects in Hello Neighbor.


The usual small table is made of yellow wood and has black curved legs. The object first appeared in Alpha 2. In this version of the game, the table was unbearable. In Alpha 3, the table has been made possible to drag and drop. It is convenient to place objects on such a table.


Alpha 2

Located in the Mr. Peterson's House, it also has a television. It could be found in the basement, outside the door to the end of the game. If you pick up the table, there will be a chair icon.

Alpha 3

Located in Nicky Roth's Car and in Mr. Peterson's House.

Alpha 4

The same as Alpha 3.

Beta 1 - 2

The same as Alpha 3.

Beta 3

The same as Alpha 3.

Full Game

Act 1

Located in Mr. Peterson's House.

Act 2

The same as Act 1.

Act 3

Located in Nicky Roth's Car, Nicky Roth's House, and in Mr. Peterson's House.


  • The gameplay trailer for the Alpha 2 basement and in the Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 files you can see a realistic model of the small table with a pattern on top.
  • It is interesting that in Mr. Peterson's House the small table cannot be moved, while in the basement it can be picked up and transferred.
