Secret Neighbor Alphas

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This page documents all the Secret Neighbor Alphas, and their various changes, release dates, trailers, and more.

Pre-Alpha 0.6.9

Pre-Alpha 0.6.9, The first private test version of Secret Neighbor that is ONLY tested by TinyBuild playtesters and developers. It can be seen in the Secret Neighbor E3 Announcement Trailer - Hello Neighbor Multiplayer video.[1]

Pre-Alpha 2

Pre-Alpha 2, The 2nd Youtuber Alpha build of the game. (Previous one being Pre-Alpha 1.) This build has an improved coral loop version of the game, changing the grab animation slightly and adding a revamped lobby screen that is used till present day.

Halloween Alpha

Halloween Alpha, The first public build of the game, and the second one sent out to people (the first being the YouTuber Alpha, only sent out to a select group of YouTubers.), This build had the skeleton of what we would know to become Secret Neighbor, and one of the earliest renditions of Map 1.

Christmas Alpha

Christmas Alpha was pretty much identical to Halloween, It added some new customization, and new abilities for the Neighbor, like the Smoke Bomb and the Bear Trap, The kids got a Elf Costume and a few new pieces of clothing, and Theodore got a nice Santa Get-Up for the Holidays.

The Custom Game menu also got some custom options, with some toggles exclusive to this build, such as making all kids clones of one another or randomizing the customization entirely.

Easter Alpha

Easter Alpha ditched the Alpha Children, Replacing them with the Rescue Squad we now know today, Some highlights of this build are, adding in Mayak, and some other things.

Summer Beta

Summer Beta completely overhauled the game, Ditching the Neighbor Customization mechanic and instead replacing it with two Neighbor Classes, Scary Neighbor and Clown.


The alpha’s were best known for being similar to the first Hello Neighbor game, using assets and sounds from it, along with some older models from the Alpha and Beta versions.


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Christmas Alpha 2

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