Nicky Roth/Animated Series

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Games Books Animated Series


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Nicky Roth is one of the main characters in the Animated Series, Hello Neighbor: Welcome To Raven Brooks.

Peterson or .. Crowface or whatever evil crap this town is built on, is going to COME FOR YOU!
Nicky Roth



In Season 1 Nicky is presented as a 'weird' kid, who often breaks into his neighbor's house.

He seems to be proud of investigating Mr. Peterson, judging by the way he talks to Trinity in Episode 1.

Nicky is suspicious of Mr. Peterson because he believes that Theodore is a killer, and the reason his kids went missing is that he murdered them.


In S01E04, after all of his friends, except Trinity, leave right before he tries to get into Theodore's basement, Nicky is kidnapped by Mr. Peterson.

It's currently unknown what happened between S01E04 and S01E06, other than Nicky being put in a room with a matress in the basement.

In S01E06 Nicky's friends find him in the basement after being caught by the Neighbor and taken down to Nicky's room. Nicky seems to have gone insane. The kids manage to escape Peterson's house and save Nicky.

In one of the teasers to Season 2 Nicky seems to have recovered from his state in Episode 6.


  • Nicky in the Animated Series is significantly different from his Hello Neighbor book series version.
    • Main differences:
  1. Is less shy.
  2. Believes Mr. Peterson is a killer instead of a kidnapper.
  3. Not afraid to say what he thinks, even if people think he is crazy.
