Hello Neighbor 2 Versions

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"You found the Solt Nayd Noufd Box!."
No cameras.png

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This page lists all versions of Hello Neighbor 2.


Hello Guest (Prototype)

Hello Guest (Alpha 1)

Hello Guest (Alpha 2)

Hello Neighbor 2 (Alpha 1)

Hello Neighbor 2 (Alpha 1.5)

Hello Neighbor 2 (Alpha 2)

Hello Neighbor 2 (Beta)

Hello Neighbor 2 (Demo)

Hello Guest (Prototype)

The prototype of Hello Guest, password found by the fans, left fans with many questions. Not only was figuring out the puzzles fairly difficult, the Guest was a totally new AI, and nothing like The Neighbor. Regardless, we do get a tiny bit of story in the game. There are 2 endings (Good and Bad). The Bad ending isn't hard to get at all. Just keep getting caught by the Guest. Every time you get a caught, a bomb is placed on a tall, white wall (The wall guarding the weather station). The Bad Ending gives us a cutscene, where we wake up as the Guest looks at us a blows up the wall. We don't see what's behind it in this ending. In the Good Ending, however, we do get to see. After fueling up the rollercoaster enough, you reach a new area in the Golden Apple Amusement Park. It's a tall ride, with a rocket ship attached to it. We can turn on the rocket ship, launching it towards the wall, breaking it. We then are revealed to the Weather Station, and the game sends you back to the title screen.

Hello Guest (Alpha 1)

Around 6 months after the prototype to Hello Guest was found, we got the first Alpha of the game. Not only are we revealed more characters, but also more cutscenes and land. The game starts off with two different clickable clipboards, each with a different player you can chose (Beatrix and Quentin). The character you play doesn't affect anything except for minor cutscene differences, player run speed and player jump height. After completing many puzzles, we get the final cutscene. Beatrix/Quentin finds themselves in a different section of the park, and a light flashes on them. Suddenly, a mysterious man grabs them and the alpha ends, revealing the Hello Guest logo.

Hello Neighbor 2 (Alpha 1)

Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1 was released shortly after Hello Guest Alpha 1. The game starts off with Quentin in a van, in the seat next to him lies a missing poster with Theodore Peterson on it (The Neighbor). We then see the Guest locking the "Neighbor" into a room at the top of it's house, and see the Guest putting a yellow key at the top of a stove/furnace and lighting it. Then the game begins. After completing numerous puzzles, exploring the open world and getting the correct items, the player can now open the door to the attic, where the Neighbor is held captive. We open it, and are led into a brand new room. Trash and boxes linger everywhere, and we eventually find a crow doll/costume. Once we grab it, we hear a loud repeating noise from the door we came through. We return over to look down at Mr. Peterson and the Man in the Hat. If we exit the window/door the alpha ends with a white screen with nothing but a small red box that says "You Win?".

Hello Neighbor 2 (Alpha 1.5)

The game starts off showing us the same missing poster from before, but this time were holding it and looking at the old abandoned house. Quentin sets the paper aside and goes to drink some tea, when he hears a loud shatter from the house. He looks over and grabs his camera to see what happened. We see the Guest throwing trash into a fire, and eventually our camera as well. We then see some kids go up to the door (one of which is wearing the crow costume/outfit from Alpha 1). The Guest crawls on top of the roof, and as it goes to grab the kids, a missing poster flies in our face with each kid on it. We brush it away and see the Guest with a large trash bag that he takes up into the attic. After solving some puzzles and getting the key, we open the attic door and go inside. We see 2 fake versions of the 3 kids huddled around a small sack, and a doorway. The more candy we put in, the closer the 3rd kid comes on the other side of the door. At one point, the lights flicker. We get close to the door, however, the Neighbor starts banging on the door for help. We back up, and a different cutscene begins. We see Quentin in his office at the Wayron Croobs Rimmor, and hear a knock on the door. Quentin grabs a little pumpkin basket and starts to walk over, but then stops when the knocking becomes aggressive banging. The Alpha ends with a black screen that says "How is your weather?".