Hello Guest Unused Content

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"You found the Solt Nayd Noufd Box!."
No cameras.png

This page contains content unused from the games! If you have anything to add to this page, message us!

This page documents unused content found in Hello Guest.


Hello Neighbor 2 was originally going to be a fully standalone game called Hello Guest. This game would have presented a vastly different story than the final one in Hello Neighbor 2.

Hello Guest was originally going to have four Chapters or Episodes as they’re called in the code:

Chapter 1

'The Golden Apple Amusement Park' (featured in Hello Guest Alpha 1)

Chapter 2

'Rumble on the Mill' (would’ve been featured in Hello Guest Alpha 2)

Chapter 3


Chapter 4


There would have been a good and bad ending to Chapter 4.



  • Hammer


Extended Endings

In the files, there exists two unused extended endings for Beatrix and Quentin.

These are labelled as "Alpha2_Intro" in the files, so they were either scrapped for time constraints, or meant to be used in a possible Alpha 2 of Hello Guest, before being scrapped entirely for Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1.


"Den" Animations

Unused Cutscenes for a "Den"

"Funicular Tutorial" Animations

Cut cinematics that would have taught the player how to activate the funicular. (Its possible that it was planned to allow player to backtrack previous Chapter areas by going trough the tram. This makes sense considering the funicular station is present in all the screenshots showing Chapters of the game)

These cutscenes exist for both Quentin and Beatrix.



Placeholder for an automatic lock. Can be knocked off a door by throwing something at it.


This Item worked like a second inventory, you could put it down, and then put other items into it, but did not work ingame


Unknown usage


Hold Left Shift to slowly fall down, avoiding harms way!, takes the visuals of a white bomb


Has two ropes, a ball, attached to a HN1 Key


A Skeleton Key of Sorts


Test Map

In the files of Hello Guest Alpha 1 there is a test map. It has a Funicular that works and an unused mechanic where you can take the Vandals to the "DetentionRoom" for the night.


Vandal Capture

In the TestMap, there is a unused mechanic where knocking a Vandal down and shining your flashlight on them, would cause them to surrender. Taking them to the nearest "DetentionRoom" would have them enter, allowing you to lock the door with a key, if you leave the Guard House alone for long enough, another vandal will come around, pick the lock, and free his friend.

Objects that can drop from arresting vandals are tea, batteries, and gas cans.


Scare Imbir

  • In the files for Hello Guest Alpha 1, there are five animations for scaring Imbir.
  • The vandals also have different arrest animations aside from the hands up, one of them being a vandal lying on the ground with his hands on his head.

YouTuber Build

Placeholder Beatrix Model

In the Files for the "YouTuber Build" of Hello Guest, There exists a model of Beatrix named "CH_Beatrix", it features:

  • Unassigned Materials
  • Bigger "parts"


Neighbor like Visitor

Neighbor like Visitor was an unused character, meant to be the antagonist in Hello Guest Chapter 2 (Rumble on the Mill). Not much is known about this character.


Guest Sounds

Sound of the guest cutting something




Splash Screen

Late Night Shift Splash Screen

Unused splash screen found in Hello Guest Alpha 1's files. Notably, this splash screen uses the old name for Hello Guest, Late Night Shift.
