Electric Guitar

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The electric guitar is a key item for solving the

Fourth-Floor Bedroom puzzle. It is used to replicate the portrait.


The guitar can be found in the room across the room entirely flooded with water. To drain the room of water, the player must twist the pump attached to the weird looking pipe outside of the Apple Shooter Room with a VGN's toy truck until it falls off. Then, they can go to the gate room, which is beyond the sun door room, and open the metal door. From here they can simply walk across the room, open the door, and pick up the guitar. The Guitar can also be found in Act 1 in the red key room and in Act 2 on the second floor in the Children's room.


The electric guitar is necessary for solving the fourth-floor Bedroom puzzle. You must place it in the same place that it is in the portrait of the Fourth-Floor Bedroom of the Neighbor's house. The electric guitar can also play sound and parts of music in it.