DaRealNeighbor's Guide on Secret Neighbor

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Hello, everyone! Welcome to D.R.N's very first guide, today being Secret Neighbor. Now, before we get into it, what IS Secret Neighbor, and how does it work? Well, Secret Neighbor is a multiplayer social horror game made by TinyBuild and Hologryph. A few kids are suspicious of their neighbor, Mr. Peterson, and they have to get into his basement. That’s not the scary part, however, Mr. Peterson has actually disguised himself as one of the kids and he has to deceive everyone and stop them from breaching in. Sound good? Alright. Now the tutorial.


In the main menu, you can choose and customize your chosen kid class, as well as Mr. Peterson. We’ll talk more about the main menu later. Players spawn into a randomly generated map and they start out with a flashlight. For this example, let’s say the map is the Neighbor Case (aka the original map in SN). There is a basement door with multiple colored padlocks, and the players have to find items to get to keys and eventually unlock the basement. That’s not that easy though. Mr. Peterson will have to seize panic into the kids to halt the progress.


  • Leader, known as Trinity in the books, can buff the speed of all players, and blind Mr. Peterson.
  • Brave, known as Maritza in the books, can escape Mr. Peterson and stun him when doing so.
  • Inventor can craft tools and items using cogwheels.
  • Scout can use nuts to fire them at Mr. Peterson.
  • Detective, known as Enzo in the books, can bring up a photo of a key and use a key intel to find keys.
  • Bagger can store items in his inventory and gain an additional slot every four minutes.

Mr. Peterson

  • Scary Neighbor can take the form of a nearby child unless he has already captured them, then he is required to use another child. He can also set bear traps to trap the children. Lastly, when hit 7 times, anger seizes you. You are now faster, invincible, and can capture kids more faster.
  • Clown can disguise as household objects to try and trick the players, and you can also run indefinitely in this form. He has a Smoke Bomb when the players don’t expect it. It reduces the kid’s health, it can block the vision of the kids, and Clown will have no affections, allowing him to capture kids more sneakily. The last ability is passive. When a kid escapes from your grasp, they will be blinded and will not see, allowing for another engagement.
  • Butcher can use a Meat Hook and capture the kids from afar. When he successfully grabs a kid, he will shout out “Booyah!”, indicating that someone will go missing. Next is a pathfinder. He will see the traces the kids leave off in the air and he can follow them. And finally, his Fake Crows will make a false key location, but once interacted with, it will disappear without a key.
  • Ghost can penetrate walls and disable lights for a while. When using the ability to disable lights, he will emit a laugh as the lights will cease to stay on. He can go through walls and surprise kids from behind. WIP


  • Always stick together and never split up. Once alone, Mr. Peterson will track you down one by one, so it’s never a safe tactic.
  • If you’re Mr. Peterson, make sure the kids trust you, then take them out when they least expect it.


That’s about it, I will be adding more as time goes on but for now, I am done with this article. See you, and if you think I forgot something, then you can add a comment. Bye!