Cutscene Players

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Cutscene player in Alpha 2.

There are a few other versions of the player that are only used for cutscenes or animations in the game.

NOTE: Cutscene Players aren't actually different characters, they are all the same Players, just with different mechanics.

Alpha 2

Driving Player

There is a variation of models of the player, one of them appears in the intro cutscene were you see the player driving to his new house. His model can be found inside of the gameplay player before pressing E.

Unpacking Player

The other model of the player appears when the "unpacking" cutscene activates. The model can be found under the map after the cutscene ends and disappears when the other one is activate.

Crowbar Player

The "crowbar" player can appear when the player goes to retrieve the crowbar to remove the nails from the front door.

Resting Player

This cutscene player appears when the player goes to rest on their couch before they experience distorted visions of the Neighbor taking over the house.

Breaking in Player

After hearing commotion from the Neighbor's house, the player goes over to see what's going on. This is were the "breaking in" player appears.


Alpha 2