Angle Saw

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The Angle Saw is an object The Guest uses in Hello Neighbor 2.


The angle saw is a device that The Guest uses for one of his tasks in Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1.5.


Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1

In Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1, the angle saw is in the files but is not findable in game.

Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1.5

In this version, the angle saw is present in game. The Guest uses it to do one of his tasks and will try to use it to get trough metal bar locked doors even though it doesn't actually work, he'll just keep doing it forever. The player cannot pick up or use the angle saw, only The Guest can, but if you use cheats to summon one, you can pick it up and use it.


Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1.5

In Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1.5, the angle saw is located in the work room.


  • In the game files, the angle saw is called BP_LawnMower_c.
  • In the game files, there is an unused neighbor task called BT_LawnMowing, where the Neighbor (not The Guest) uses the angle saw to mow the lawn which might be why the angle saw is called BP_LawnMower_c in the game files.
