Watering Can

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The Watering Can is one of the important items in Hello Neighbor.


It looks like a small red watering can. A handle is attached at the back. There is a hole at the top and a funnel at the end.

In Alpha 2, the appearance of the watering can has changed. It became strongly narrowed upwards. The handle and funnel had became more disproportionate.

Mr. Peterson can use the watering can in Pre-Alpha and Alpha 1. Sometimes he takes it and goes to water his flowers. In Alpha 1, sometimes when Mr. Peterson chases after the protagonist, he will still hold the watering can until the protagonist is caught.

From Alpha 4 onwards, You can fill a watering can with water through a sink or bathtub. You can also pour out the water.



It can be found in the garage and closet room.

Alpha 1

It can be found at the porch of the Neighbor's house, the garage and in the kitchen.

Alpha 2

It can be found at the porch of the Neighbor's house, the closet room and in the attic.

Alpha 3 - Beta 3

It can be found on the porch of the Neighbor's house, the kitchen and in other rooms.

Full Game

In front of Mr. Peterson’s house.
