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The Minivan is a vehicle that only appears in Hello Guest Alpha 1, being cut from Hello Neighbor 2. It belongs to Beatrix.


It looks like a classic minivan with a white roof, red walls on the outside, the driver door on the left and its rear-view mirror are turquoise, there is a star sticker on the front and rear alongside bandages on the driver door, "Lerax" (Relax in Wayron Croobian) is written on both sides of the minivan, on the roof is a board plate to attach luggages, the inside has a curtain and leather seats.


It's first appearance was on a leaked screenshot of the unused location, the Mill, with white textures and detailed lighting. The minivan also appears on an artwork where it is crashed into a pole, and before the release of Hello Guest Alpha 1, a leaked screenshot showed the minivan with a vandal walking towards it.


In Hello Guest Alpha 1, the minivan appears in the intro cutscene of Beatrix and at the beginning of the game. Another minivan can be found outside of the map next to the Sub Post (Bus Stop in Wayron Croobian).


  • This is the one of the rare vehicles to have rear-view mirrors, the others are: a bank van and a fire truck.
