Is it Kidnapping?

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Is it Kidnapping is the fourd episode of Hello Neighbor: Welcome To Raven Brooks. It premiered on October 14, 2023.


The gang get torn apart before they can infiltrate Mr.Peterson's house, who has been busy reinforching his it. Bad things happen when you're not with your friends.


The kids gather in Trinity's room. Mr. Peterson takes a dead chicken out of his Mr.Peterson's car|car trunk, checks his surroundings to ensure no one is watching, and slowly heads towards his house. Nicky hands a walkie-talkie to Maritza, explaining the plan: Trinity and Nicky will sneak into Mr. Peterson’s house while keeping in touch with the others via the walkie-talkie. Maritza declines the offer, calling it "boring." Nicky throws the walkie-talkie to Ivan. Enzo insists that he wants everyone to be part of the plan. Trinity uses binoculars to observe Mr. Peterson, who is nailing boards over a window in his living room, which is also where the basement door is located. Nicky mentions that they need to find the red lock on the basement door. At that moment, there's a knock on the door, and Mr. and Mrs. Bales enter the room. Trinity is forced by her mother to introduce her friend, because she is not allowed to see Nicky, refers to him as Barry. Nicky/Barry lies, saying they were dancing. Mrs. Bales points out there’s no music playing. Trinity, feeling embarrassed, tries to guilt her mother. Mr. Bales, trying to ease the tension, escorts Mrs. Bales out of the room. Meanwhile, Ivan hands the walkie-talkie to Maritza and says he’s heading home before leaving the group. When the kids look back at Mr. Peterson, they see him exercising. The door knocks again. Nicky, hiding his face, continues to look outside with the binoculars. Mr. Bales is holding a tray of cupcakes. Nicky/Barry says he was birdwatching, and Trinity accidentally calls him Larry instead of Barry, adding that she likes birds. Enzo tries to cover for the mistake by saying Larry is Barry’s middle name. Trinity takes the cupcakes and escorts her parents out of the room. Everyone takes a bite of the cupcakes, but only Trinity enjoys them. She explains that the cupcakes contain no sugar because she is diabetic. Enzo, trying to impress Trinity, takes another bite and says they’re delicious, although his facial expression gives away his true feelings. Maritza also decides to drop out of the plan like Ivan and hands the walkie-talkie to her brother Enzo before leaving the room. Trinity spots the location of the red key through her binoculars. Enzo hands the walkie-talkie to Trinity and uses dropping Maritza off at home as an excuse to leave. Now, Trinity and Nicky are alone. Mrs. Bales enters the room with a tray of lemonade and has somehow figured out that Barry/Larry is actually Nicky. She kicks Nicky out of the house. Before leaving, Nicky points to the walkie-talkie in Trinity’s hand. Nicky heads towards Mr. Peterson’s yard. Trinity warns him not to go, but Nicky climbs a pipe to get to the roof. He enters through a window on the roof and reaches the room with the red key. Nicky grabs the key but is caught by Mr. Peterson, who takes him to the basement. Shortly after, Mr. Peterson’s voice comes over the walkie-talkie: “Tell whoever you want, they’ll never believe you...”


Main Casts

Recurring Casts

  • Larry Herron as Mr. Bales
  • Nisa Ward as Mrs. Bales


  • This episode has a rating of 9.1 on IMDb.
  • The original title of this episode was "Is It Kidnapping, If The Kid Isn't Napping?"
  • This episode, with a runtime of 9 minutes and 44 seconds, is the shortest episode of the first season.
  • This episode is a different variation of the Act 1 storyline.