Missing Journalist

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The Missing Journalist is a currently unknown character in Hello Neighbor 2. He is a possible friend of Otto Kinander, the taxidermist, due to the fact that a photo is found showing him and a younger Otto Kinander together smiling and holding a fish that they presumably just caught.

The Missing Journalist can be seen on a missing poster on a window in the Hello Neighbor 2 Demo.


  • He worked at the Raven Brooks Banner before Quentin.
  • In a new Kindy Keyin short, we can see tinyBuild sent Kindly Keyin, among other things, something involving the Missing Journalist, in which you can see highlighted letters that turns out to read "He got too close to them", with the other contents of the boxes implying this was made by Theodore Peterson. This could suggest that the Missing Journalist most likely went missing after discovering the truth about The Forest Protectors.
  • Missing Journalist might actually be Man In The Hat since both have the same trench coat, both are investigative journalists (one of the Secret Neighbor badges tells us that Man in the Hat is a journalist), both are nearly bald, and both are dead (Missing Journalist "got too close to them" and Man in the Hat can be found lying in a grave in Patch #9). The Blue Tape has Missing Journalist taking a picture of The Guest from a higher place, and you can find Man in the Hat's hat in a chair on the church's tower, and the guest roams the forest where the church is located. The Red Tape has Missing Journalist watching Mr. Peterson from a bush, which is very similar to how the Secret Neighbor Man in the Hat Event has Man in the Hat watching Mr. Peterson's house from a bush. (Something that adds to this is that in the Man in the Hat event, the Man in the Hat hides in the bushes if you get too close to him, and in the red tape, the Missing Journalist runs away after he's spotted in the bushes.)
