Day And Night Cycle

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The Day And Night Cycle in Hello Neighbor would always change whenever you were caught by Mr. Peterson or slept in your bed, however, sleeping was removed in Alpha 2.

An example of the day and night cycle.

Versions With Day/Night Cycle

Pre-Alpha (Morning, Day, Afternoon and Night)

Alpha 1 (Morning, Day, Afternoon, and Night)

Alpha 4 (Morning, Day, Afternoon, and Night)

Beta's (Morning, Day, Afternoon, and Night)

Act 2 (Day, Afternoon, and Night)

Act 3 (Morning, Day, Afternoon, and Night)

Act Finale (Day) (Night mode in cutscene) (Afternoon in Thing battle)

Versions Without Day/Night Cycle

Prototype (Evening)

Alpha 2 (Day)

Alpha 3 (Night)

Act 1 (Day)

Other Versions

DevGAMM (Day)

Early Prototype (Morning)

Alpha 1.5 (Morning)

Neighbor_3 (Night)

Alpha 2.5 (Day, other times unknown) (Test Presskit)

Alpha 3.5 (Morning, Day, Afternoon, and Night)
