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C4 is an object in Hello Guest.


It looks like two bags fastened together, with a wire and a red light on top which blinks. Throughout the game, bombs will appear on a wall in the park, behind which there is a weather station. In the bad ending when all bombs are placed, The Guest uses a detonator to explode the C4s, destroying the weather station too. In the good ending, the watchman destroys the wall using the "rocket" attraction, eliminating the C4s and leaving the weather station unharmed. The bomb can also be found in the test map and it will duplicate everytime you are caught. The C4 can be picked up, but it is useless. In Hello Guest Alpha 1, a "C4" can be spawned or crafted by using the crafting machine.


  • It is possible that The Guest was trying to destroy both the wall and the weather station, since both are destroyed in the bad ending, while the station is unharmed in the good one.
