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The boards act as a barricade for the basement door and a way in which Mr. Peterson can prevent Nicky Roth from entering his house. He will put them up when Nicky breaks the window at least 3-5 times. They are up permanently and cannot be removed. This does not include Pre-Alpha - Alpha 4, where you can take the boards off of the windows. As of right now, only the ones on doors can be removed.


Act 1

  • Nowhere, but they will appear on windows if they are broken too many times.

Act 2

  • Some are on the side of the fence and can be removed to escape.
  • At both bathroom windows. They are boarded.
  • On the 3rd floor windows by the pool. They are also boarded.
  • In the room locked by the yellow lock. It is also up the huge ladder. There are some boards lying on the floor, not blocking anything.
  • Any window that has been broken too many times.

Act 3

  • On the basement door.
  • In the room with the red key. This window is boarded and is a triple window.
  • In the room where the useless gate is. They are both boarded.
  • Any window that has been broken too many times.

Hello Neighbor 2
