Bag of Money

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The Bag of money is an important object in Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek.


It looks like a bag with a picture of a coin, inside of which is drawn the letter "V" and two horizontal stripes. They need to be put in a basket for toys to pass the second stage.


Hide & Seek

Stage 2

One bag is located in two crashed wagons, under tables in a small bank (9 bags in the entire building), in six safes of a large bank, on two tables in a store (4 in total) and in an office safe.

Two bags are in the bank van behind bars, in one of the vans that had an accident, in bank cars driving around the city, under one of the tables in a small bank, on the roof of the house, behind a picture with a safe and on one table in the store.


  • As you can see from the scenes between the stages, in reality the games are simple bags.
  • It is not known which currency sign is depicted on the bags.