Raven Brooks Forest

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The Forest or Raven Brooks Forest is one of the new accessible locations in Hello Neighbor 2. It was implemented in the 2023 Halloween update.


The forest is located right east of the town of Raven Brooks. To access the forest, Quentin has to go through a dark tunnel that can be located after crossing the bridge. Locations that can be in the forest are the construction site, the mining facility, and the Raven Brooks home of eternal rest. In front of the exit there are many prohibition and warning signs as well as iron fences, indicating that the forest is very dangerous to the public.

Indicated place


  • Raven Brooks Forest is a New map added to the Hello Neighbor 2 Patch 9 Halloween update.
  • It could be that the reason The Guests inhabit this forest is because this forest could be connected to the past of Raven Brooks.
  • The reason why this forest is strictly forbidden to visit is because it could be that this forest is already occupied by forest protectors, as evidenced by the strange ritual items in the church.
  • When we use the cheat to fly we can see that the forest is not connected to the main city which means the forest is a separate map.
  • When Raven Brooks Forest is accessed, the sky changes to nighttime, even if Quentin enters the tunnel in the morning or evening.